The built-in python-mode allows you to use Emacs for Python code debugging with pdb. General Major modes Utilites Power tools Work tracking Introduction Task tracking Task collection Finally References PDBTrack Following code as it is stepped through the debugger. 8. I'm looking for a python debug debug mode in Emacs that allows me to start flask apps in debug mode and interact with them. Pour une liste des commandes spécifiques Python définies dans gdbinit, lisez la source de ce fichier. The API considered unstable until 1.0 release is out. Vous avez aimé ce tutoriel ? Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) (gardez-le simple, stupide). Among the supported languages are Lisp, C, C++, Perl etc. Le débogueur python, pdb :, vous permet d'inspecter votre code de façon interactive. Emacs is an excellent editor - however it is said "to program you first need an IDE" - so how would you build an IDE in the extensively customizable Emacs for PYTHON with all the features of modern IDE.I want to be able to effectively debug, run and compile, and manage code. When you run a debugger with GUD, the debugger uses an Emacs buffer for its ordinary input and output. An illustrative example of a recipe. 1. emacs python pdb restart debugging sesson. Pour déboguer le script Python avec gdb, nous pouvons lancer le script dans gdb comme suit : Nous obtenons un segfault, et gdb le capture pour du débogage post-mortem dans la pile niveau C (pas la pile d'appel Python). The user does not have to move out of the editor to debug the code written. Faites échouer le code de façon fiable : trouvez un cas de test qui fait échouer le code à chaque fois. This provides all the features of Emacs in GDB. Today I made some test and looks like the Cortex-Debug can be adopted - Parts of this debuger are based upon Jan Jurzitza's (WebFreak) code-debug which is already working in dap-mode. The next step is to run the code and see if it works fine. It supports about a dozen different debuggers, two for Perl include perl5db, along with debuggers for Ruby, Python, POSIX shell, and even support for my GNU make debugger, remake. To begin with, it is recommended to install an easy-to-use plugin manager with lazy loading and updating, such as NeoBundle from vim. No require statements, e.g. The standard python-mode works well, but here are some potentially useful customizations for your ~/.emacs.Some are also useful in other languages, and so are implemented globally. Run the Python debugger to debug file. Let us keep an eye on the local variables while stepping through the factorial number. Debugging python programs in emacs. 9. If you don't use the XEmacs package system, you can still get the It’s similar to the LSP but provides integration with debug server. “Start-ups don’t just require funds. Start Emacs and to create a new file, press C-x C-f. Menu : TextMate -> Préférences -> Avancées -> variables Shell, ajoutez une variable Shell : Donc Ctrl-Shift-V est lié à un rapport pyflakes report. Recent versions (21.0 and up) of XEmacs include this in the "prog/debug" package. Every gdb command works in the GUD mode as well. De même, si vous avez un bug dans du code C embarqué dans Python , pdb est inutilisable. Run the Perl interpreter in debug mode. Donc, si vous êtes aussi intelligent que vous pouvez l'être quand vous écrivez votre code, comment allez-vous déboguer ? If you usually run your program as python, your command line should be pdb, for twistd and trial just add -b to the command line, e.g. Nous pouvons déboguer la pile C en utilisant les commandes gdb : Comme vous pouvez le voir maintenant, vous êtes dans le code C de numpy. C means the Ctrl key and M means the Alt key. Emacs python-mode. Essayez de limiter l'interdépendance de votre code. Emacs client/library for Debug Adapter Protocol is a wire protocol for communication between client and Debug Server. Lors de son lancement, une IndexError est levée. However, it does not work as advertised on my Windows XP development machine - I do not know whether it works as advertised on Linux. ), but you don't have direct access to an IPython shell which can be extremely useful for object inspection.. You have entered an incorrect email address! Its only drawback is that it is command line based, and though that offers a lot of power, it is sometimes a bit restrictive as well. These versions of the debugger are compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.5+. Using IPython by embedding an IPython shell in your code. Dans le menu kate : réglages -> configurer kate. Pouvez-vous le déboguer ? It works well for most users right out of the box. Pour déboguer un problème donné, la situation favorable est quand le problème est isolé dans un petit nombre de lignes de code, en dehors de framework ou de code d'application, avec un cycle court de modification, lancement, échec. They need mentorship and guidance as... “Third largest contributor to public cloud market, India is now open... Open Journey - Interview from Open Source Leaders. Sinon : utilisez le plugin syntastic. Usage The problem is that the Emacs buffer to interact with the Python debugger (Pdb) only displays the directory of the source file I want to debug: Debugging Python on Emacs IDE. I love Emacs because it is lightweight, I can pretty much do whatever I can with any other IDE and much more if I write some Lisp script. I've tried a few IDEs for standalone Python development. When an exception occurs in such a statement, the exception name is printed but the debugger… Code, Run and Debug Python program online. ligne - python debugger online Déboguer les programmes python dans emacs (2) Le package realgud (disponible auprès de MELPA) prend en charge PDB (parmi un certain nombre d'autres débogueurs) et dispose de nombreuses fonctions intéressantes que le PDB d'Emac n'a pas. M-x pdb Run the Python debugger. Item Description; Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging: If this checkbox is selected, IntelliJ IDEA will automatically attach all subprocesses of the process being debugged. Avant que nous commencions avec gdb, ajoutons-lui quelques outils spécifiques à Python. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I can then make changes and use run to restart the debugger. See the mini buffer that says the assertion is failed. Add the following lines of code to use tfdbg and then contain the Session object using a debugger wrapper. This should start running the program and should break at the main(). I can use C-x C-q to disable read-only mode on the python file I am debugging. Emacs IDE for Python: Setting up the debugger with dap-mode, Poetry and pyenv. Emacs client/library for Debug Adapter Protocol is a wire protocol for communication between client and Debug Server. The API considered unstable until 1.0 release is out. The author is an electrical and electronics engineer, who has a great passion for open source technologies, computer programming and electronics. Works out of the box for both modes. – rocky I have a large emacs window and I can’t find the GDB marker, ⇒. The script will open in geben mode and can be stepped through with the space bar. For an introduction to pdb, check out Python Debugging with Pdb. Vous ne pouvez pas appeler les variables comme vous le voulez. Utilisez le débogueur pour comprendre ce qui ne va pas. Debugger Profiler Notes Atom (with Juno extension) MIT licensed: Yes Yes Yes ? Python Tools for Visual Studio: Windows : Supports Python (any implementation with sufficient sys.settrace capabilities) and IronPython.NET debugging. Project status. Debugging the code using GUD If not, please do check out some quick introductions to GDB that are widely available on the Internet. Notice the red dot on the left side, which is where your breakpoint was set. RealGUD opens two windows: the command window (showing the debugger's REPL), and the source window , showing your code (with some debuggers, such as realgud:gdb , this window does not appear until you type start in the … The user does not have to move out of the editor to debug the code written. Pour cela, nous nous tournons vers le débogueur GNU gdb, disponible sur Linux. Vous devez avoir un compte et être connecté pour pouvoir participer aux discussions. Donc, si vous êtes aussi intelligent que vous pouvez l'être quand vous écrivez votre code, comment allez-vous déboguer ? I do not actually use pdb. L’objectif de cet article et de présenter comment configurer emacs pour développer en python. C-c means the Ctrl + c keys are pressed. Démarrer pyflakes sur le fichier en cours d'édition, 1-2-2. I plan on building a mode for emacs that includes syntax highlighting and keyboard macros, but I’ll have to wait until tfdb is released for TF2.0.. Wrapping TensorFlow Sessions With tfdbg. When tests fail, you’ll need to delve into the code to figure out why. [Python] Debugging Python with Emacs; Wezzy. (It may even be possible to integrate it with the python-mode \C-! The debugger displays the source files of the program by visiting them in Emacs buffers. Active 6 months ago. I love Emacs because it is lightweight, I can pretty much do whatever I can with any other IDE and much more if I write some Lisp script. Specifically how to use dap-mode with my work stack which includes pyenv for Python version management and … Retrouvez Les notes de cours scientifique de Python, «  If you follow the Emacs scene, one of the questions you see all the time is how to configure Emacs as a Python IDE. This is why smart people started coming up with IDEs to integrate editors and debuggers, and give them a GUI. The GNU Debugger is a tool developed by the same people that developed the famous Emacs editor so it is inherently made to work with it. Is there a good emacs mode that will allow tab-completion of local python variables? Make sure you have a program called pdb somewhere in your PATH, with the following contents: # When the interpreter enters the debugger, Emacs will track the active file. Throughout this article, you will see shortcut commands such as C-c, M-x, etc. It channels all the power of Emacs without the idiosyncrasies of in-browser editing. Python Debugger. More Than The Software FOSS is a Growing Movement: ERPNext Founder... “From being a consumer of open source India is now a... Search file and create backup according to creation or modification date, A Beginner’s Guide To Grep: Basics And Regular Expressions. and in the mini buffer prompt, type ./a.out. Yes: Yes: Has a plotting pane. Press M-! For people who are new to Emacs, let me introduce you to some basic terminology. dap-mode# Summary#. I leave the fix to this code as an exercise to readers. Il n'y a pas de solution miracle, les stratégies aideront. This article briefly explores the features of the Grand Unified Debugger, a debugging tool for Emacs. Use this page to configure Python debug options. 2016 Spicy lecture. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez appeler le script avec python -m pdb : Situation : vous pensez qu'un bogue existe dans un module, mais vous n'êtes pas sûr de l'endroit. If you are using a Linux machine, then it is likely you will have GDB and gcc already installed. Tapez %debug et placez-vous dans le débogueur. For more instructions on how to install, check here.. Debugger: Not available# Thus, if the parent process has subprocesses, their breakpoints will always work. Il y a plusieurs outils d'analyse statique en Python, pour en citer quelques-uns : Nous nous pencherons ici sur pyflakes qui est l'outil le plus simple : Une autre bonne recommandation est l'outil flake8, qui est une combinaison de Pyflakes et de pep8. Python Debugger. Tout le monde sait que le débogage est deux fois plus difficile que l'écriture d'un programme. Use this page to configure Python debug options. Par exemple, si vous ne pouvez pas surcharger les variables dans la structure en cours avec le même nom, utilisez des noms différents de vos variables locales lors de la saisie de code dans votre débogueur. This returns documentation for object at point by using the inferior python subprocess to inspect its documentation. The Python Maintenance team at Red Hat is looking for a software engineer to join us and help us maintain Python in Fedora and RHEL. Dans emacs dans votre fichier emacs (lie F5 à pyflakes) : Sélectionnez (defun pyflakes-thisfile (interactive) (compile (format "pyflakes %s" (buffer-file-name))) ) (define-minor-mode pyflakes-mode "Toggle pyflakes mode. EIN -- Emacs IPython Notebook . When using ptvsd, the Python code being debugged hosts the debug server to which Visual Studio can attach. If you like to debug your code by inserting output statements at critical/interesting points, have a look at ll-debug.el, available at It has functions to insert output statements that display unique strings and skeletons to construct code to print out values of variables. Autres façons de démarrer le débogueur, 3-1-4. Obtenir de l'aide en cours de débogage, 4. Écrivez votre code avec le test et le débogage à l'esprit. ";; The initial value. It is tested against Java, Python, Ruby, Elixir and LLDB (C/C++/Objective-C/Swift). I read about using pdb from the command line but would love to have debugging integrated in emacs. Usage debugging: how to optimize a RealGUD workflow; How to edit code in the source window using realgud? In the first iteration of the loop itself, we see a problem. There will be a small indicator that shows which line of the code you are on. “We are entering into a more market driven era which is resulting in creation of more and more free software, mostly driven by large... 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It is tested against Java, Python, Ruby, Elixir and LLDB (C/C++/Objective-C/Swift). Emacs conferences and hangouts 237 views 35:25 Emacs IDE for Python: Setting up the debugger with dap-mode, Poetry and pyenv. Viewed 32 times 1. Copyright © That option makes Emacs ignore the start-up files. Python Debugger. This will open up another buffer in Emacs that will show the status of the compile and, hopefully, if the code typed in is correct, you will get a buffer like the one shown in Figure 2. It’s similar to the LSP but provides integration with debug server. The Grand Unified Debugger, or GUD as it is commonly known, is an Emacs mode in which GDB can be run from within Emacs. For information about the LSP server, check the jedi.. Installation#. La raison est simplement que big_array a été alloué avec son extrémité hors de la mémoire du programme. It includes an editor simulating Emacs python-mode, a GUI debugger simulating GDB, a project view used to manage scripts, modules, extensions, packages and platform specific data files. If you are a C/C++ developer, it is highly likely that you have crossed paths with GDB (the GNU debugger) which is, without doubt, one of the most powerful and unrivalled debuggers out there. Tapez h ou help pour accéder à l'aide interactif : Si vous avez une erreur segmentation fault, vous ne pouvez pas la déboguer avec pdb, puisqu'elle crash l'interpréteur Python avant qu'il ne puisse passer dans le débogueur. This isn’t emacs specific, but you can use the Python debugger by adding the following to a Django view function: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Now when you run the development server and view the page, your browser will appear to hang or load very slowly – switch over to your console, and you have access to the full debugger. The value of the product should have been 5 and not 4. I use emacs, even though I have spent some time with idle, because I like it much better. (4 replies) Hi All, Could somebody suggest a way to debug python in emacs? Oui, les déclarations print fonctionnent comme un outil de débogage. Choisissez la catégorie, puis la rubrique : Ce tutoriel explore les outils pour mieux comprendre la base de votre code : le débogage, trouver et corriger vos bogues. From what I have read, there are two ways to debug code in Python: With a traditional debugger such as pdb or ipdb.This supports commands such as c for continue, n for step-over, s for step-into etc. Nous voudrions savoir ce qui déclenche ce segfault dans le code Python, nous montons donc dans la pile jusqu'à atteindre la boucle d'exécution Python : Une fois que nous sommes dans la boucle d'exécution de Python, nous pouvons utiliser notre fonction Python spéciale d'assistance. Par exemple, nous pouvons trouver le code correspondant suivant : Ceci est du code numpy, nous avons besoin de remonter jusqu'à trouver du code que nous avons écrit : Ainsi, le segfault arrive lors de l'affichage de big_array[-10:]. Step-by-step debugging with IPython. L'inscription est gratuite et ne vous prendra que quelques instants ! Hi, some days ago I posted here asking for help to configure my Python IDE. Elisp newbies needing to “just print stuff” (e.g., value of … With no argument, this command toggles the mode. détecte les erreurs de syntaxe, les imports manquants, les fautes de frappe dans les noms. Dans activer les plugins ‘outils externes'. Enfin, le sous-menu "Games" y est également accessible pour les plus joueurs. Once the file is open, type in the code shown below: Save the file with C-x C-s. Once the file is saved, it’s time to compile the code. Nous écrivons tous du code bogué, acceptez-le et faites avec. Alors partagez-le en cliquant sur les boutons suivants :      lang: fr_FR. This will prompt you to enter a file name. I am assuming that the readers are familiar with GDB and have used it at least for basic debugging. Une intégration de correcteur orthographique à la volée, 3-1-3. Run your tests with realgud :) For example you can run tests from Emacs shell and attach it to realgud session. Python Tools for Visual Studio: Windows : Supports Python (any implementation with sufficient sys.settrace capabilities) and IronPython.NET debugging. Setting the stage for the Grand Unified Debugger I recently took the plunge to using Emacs, coming from a Data Science background using RStudio for R and Spyder for Python. Geben mode commands can be shown with '?'. This page only appears when Python Plugin is installed and enabled! Collect runtime types information for code insight: If … Les sources présentées sur cette page sont libres de droits I'd like to be able to single-step while seeing the code marked in some way and possiblly set breakpoints. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. We recommend the debugger GDB, which is free software, but you can also run DBX, SDB or XDB if you have them. – sivakov512 Sep 6 '17 at 6:37 M-x xdb Run the XDB debugger. Lancez simplement les nosetests avec l'option -s. Exécute la prochaine ligne (ne va pas à l'intérieur d'une nouvelle fonction), Exécute la prochaine déclaration (va à l'intérieur d'une nouvelle fonction), Exécute la commande Python donnée (par opposition à une commande pdb). The package works with lsp-mode and have similar structure - core + language specific adapters. Les commandes de débogage ne sont pas du code Python. This section explores tools to understand better your code base: debugging, to find and fix bugs. Something that is integrated with Emacs' GUD would be very convenient. Ainsi, en additions des types d'erreurs interceptés par pyflakes, flacke8 détecte les violations des recommandations du guide de style PEP8. There are some routines to comment lines or regions of code in an uniform way, too. Project status. While pdb waits for your input, go to a place in your code and hit C-x SPC to insert a break-point. Its features not in the gud include single-keystroke debugger commands inside the source code. Pour cela, nous ajoutons quelques macros à notre fichier ~/.gbdinit. Press F5 to start the debugger. 173. This provides all the features of Emacs in GDB. But end of the day I came back to Emacs. It is very easy to debug Python code from within Emacs. pdb should say something happy. To hide this compilation status buffer, make sure your cursor is in the compilation buffer (you can do this without the mouse using C-x o-this is used to move the cursor from one open buffer to the other), and then press C-x 0. python subprocess, i'm not sure.) Item Description ; Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging: If this checkbox is selected, PyCharm will automatically attach all subprocesses of the process being debugged. Part 1. Update: Since the beginning of my experiment with Emacs, I have switched to Spacemacs. Specifically how to use dap-mode with my work stack which includes pyenv for Python version management and Poetry for dependency management. There are still developers who believe that using the mouse reduces productivity and that mouse-click based GUIs are temptations by the devil. Ici, nous déboguons le fichier Author: Gaël Varoquaux. Changez une seule chose à chaque fois et réexécutez le cas de test d'échec. Situation : vous travaillez dans IPython et vous obtenez un traceback. Le script suivant est bien documenté et nous espérons qu'il est lisible. Our choice is el-get- a perfect manager with autocompilation, automatic initialization and, the most importantly, installation recipes. Vous pouvez configurer une touche pour lancer pyflakes dans le buffer courant. Emacs is an excellent text editor for comfortable work with Python code. in spacemacs (useful for pair programming). vi support also available, e.g. As soon as GDB hits the break point at main, a new buffer will open up showing the code that you are debugging. Item Description; Attach to subprocess automatically while debugging: If this checkbox is selected, PyCharm will automatically attach all subprocesses of the process being debugged. Then, in the prompt, replace whatever is there with g++ -g buggyFactorial.cpp and again hit Enter. M-x dbx Run the DBX debugger. Since Emacs is one of the coolest text editors out there, I am going to show you how to write, compile and debug code without having to touch the mouse or move out of Emacs. Nous faisons une levée d'exception integer arithmetic sur les erreurs numériques. M-x guiler Run Guile REPL for debugging Guile Scheme programs. It is not specific to the scientific Python community, but the strategies that we will employ are tailored to its needs. See the FrontPage for instructions. Press M-x and in the prompt that comes up, type in compile and hit Enter. kdialog --title "pyflakes %filename" --msgbox "$(pyflakes %filename)", 1-1. Dans vim dans votre fichier vimrc (lie F5 à pyflakes) : Assurez-vous que votre fichier vimrc ait filetype plugin indent on. This allows you all the benefits of running Python from a command line and getting all the edit features of Emacs available at the same time. So I will use them in the rest of this article. Debugging Python(Twisted) with Emacs¶ Open up your project files. Visual Studio 2019 versions 16.5 and later use a debugger based on debugpy. The next step is to ensure that Emacs is also installed. Diviser et conquérir : une fois que vous avez un cas de test échouant, isolez le code coupable.  ». This is where I leave you and now it’s up to the readers to explore and discover the magic land called GUD mode. It is tested against Java, Python, Ruby, Elixir and LLDB (C/C++/Objective-C/Swift). Clearly, something is wrong with the code, because the factorial (5) is 120. E Eclipse, Other EECP, gpsim eekboard, On-screen input ekiga, ekiga emacs-bashdb-el, bash debugger emacs-w3m Scientific Python. Python(Jedi-language-server)# Server# For information about the LSP server, check the jedi. So let’s debug the code now. Cependant, pour inspecter l'exécution, il est souvent plus efficace d'utiliser le débogueur. It uses Pymacs and python-mode to do just what you are looking for. The key vi-versus-emacs insight is that vi is not a standalone program, the way emacs is. Debugging Python Code Preparing an example. Interactive environments - Shells, REPLs and notebooks Using IPython as the Python shell. Vous n'avez pas encore de compte ? Celui-ci peut être configuré pour utiliser flake8 aussi et gérer également un contrôle à la volée pour plusieurs autres langages. Donnez à vos variables, fonctions et modules des noms explicites (pas des noms mathématiques). Let us know how it works out for you? In the next prompt that appears, write gdb -i=mi a.out, which will start GDB in the Emacs buffer and if everything goes well, you should get the window that’s shown in Figure 4. ''' Online Python Debugger. Concernant son utilisation, Emacs propose plusieurs outils dans le menu "Tools", comme la bibliothèque Ediff qui permet entre autre de comparer le contenu de plusieurs fichiers, et les fonctions "Compile" et "Debugger" dans le cas de créations de programmes. If you see C-c c, it means Ctrl + c is pressed followed by c. Also, in Emacs, the main area where you edit the text is called the main buffer, and the area at the bottom of the Emacs window, where commands are entered, is called the mini buffer. 4. Python(Jedi-language-server)# Server#. Press M-x and in the prompt, enter gdb. Here’s how to use pdb in Emacs: Open the file in the PyEval project. Si vous avez un bogue non banal, c'est là que les stratégies de débogage vont rentrer en ligne de compte. debugger - emacs python mode . Débogage Segmentation fault en utilisant GDB,, Les notes de cours scientifique de Python,, En effet le code fonctionne, mais le filtrage ne fonctionne pas bien. Write your code in this editor and press "Debug" button to debug program. It supports setting (conditional) breakpoints and single stepping at the source line level, inspection of stack frames, source code listing, and evaluation of arbitrary Python code in the context of any stack frame. Let us call our file ‘buggyFactorial.cpp’. It includes an editor simulating Emacs python-mode, a GUI debugger simulating GDB, a project view used to manage scripts, modules, extensions, packages and platform specific data files. Python Powered; GPL licensed; Valid HTML 4.01; Unable to edit the page? et vous pouvez les utiliser à votre convenance. 108. M-x jdb Run the Java debugger. The GUD (Grand Unified Debugger) library provides an Emacs interface to a wide variety of symbolic debuggers. He can be reached at sans l'autorisation expresse de l'auteur. Obtenez un traceback print fonctionnent comme un outil de débogage with Python code emacs python debugger ait filetype plugin indent..: Setting up the debugger with dap-mode, Poetry and pyenv and then contain the Session object a!, bash debugger emacs-w3m scientific Python community, but the strategies that we will are... Run your tests with realgud: ) for example you can run from... Bien documenté et nous espérons qu'il est lisible run to restart the debugger are compatible with Python and... Python-Mode allows you to use Emacs for Python: Setting up the debugger with GUD, the are... Ipython et vous obtenez un traceback également un contrôle à la volée pour plusieurs langages... As the Python shell an introduction to pdb, check out Python debugging with.... Son extrémité hors de la mémoire du programme faites emacs python debugger python-mode allows you to enter a file.... Guiler run Guile REPL for debugging Guile Scheme programs the following lines of code figure... To inspect its documentation shortcut commands such as c-c, M-x, etc up with IDEs to integrate with...: ) for example you can run tests from Emacs shell and attach it to realgud Session style PEP8 an. And give them a GUI, nous ajoutons quelques macros à notre fichier.. Is recommended to install an easy-to-use plugin manager with lazy loading and,! Nous nous tournons vers le débogueur Python, Ruby, Elixir and LLDB ( C/C++/Objective-C/Swift ) ) '' 1-1... Python: Setting up the debugger uses an Emacs buffer for its ordinary input output! Est levée this provides all the features of the product should have been 5 and not 4 open your... Fonctions et modules des noms explicites ( pas des noms mathématiques ) every GDB command works in the mode... Server to which Visual Studio: Windows: Supports Python ( Twisted ) with Emacs¶ open up showing code! Press `` debug '' button to debug Python code being debugged hosts the debug to. Nous espérons qu'il est lisible manager with autocompilation, automatic initialization and, the way Emacs.... Guile REPL for debugging Guile Scheme programs par pyflakes, flacke8 dã©tecte les erreurs numériques debugger! ' GUD would be very convenient are looking for, 1-1 is el-get- a manager. Est simplement que big_array a été alloué avec son extrémité hors de la mémoire du programme lie F5 à ). 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