Yamaha MSP3 Shop now at Amazon. I have the NS50's and have spent time with the MSP5's. Yamaha HS5 45 Watt Powered Studio Monitor(Black) 4.8 out of 5 stars 367. Just a friendly reminder that political discussion, (including "offhand" and 'sideways' commenting) is. The HS5 is a 5-inch near-field powered monitor and currently Yamaha’s most affordable studio mo… It’s targeted at both … New Yamaha monitors (HS50M , HS80M) anybody tried them yet. Rudi in Headphone reviews. よく同じyahama hs5と比較されますが、あちらは高音域の解像度が良く低音が少し弱め、msp3はしっかり低音が出ますが音の分離ではhs5に劣る感じですね。 Have been loving them so far, using them as a second set with a pair of Mackie's. They are not that fun to listen to. 6.69 in. Yamaha HS5. Not sure they would be ideal for main monitors though. Engineer or not just about everyone can recognize the ubiquitous white coned monitor that made musical history. Yamaha HS5 vs Yamaha MSP3. 今回ご紹介するyamaha hs5は低価格で高解像度を実現していますよ! そして、今回は同じくyamahaの定番モニタースピーカーであるmsp3との比較も入れてみました。なぜ筆者はmsp3ではなくhs5を選んだのかが分かる内容になっています。 yamaha hs5… i´ll check both monitors out tomorrow....i´ll take radioheads "in rainbows" with me. I must admit, that I … I recently replaced my trusty HS7s for some MSP7s that I got for an incredible price. The enclosure is a bass-reflex type that also incorporates Yamaha… Never used the MSP5's but just got the Hs50M about a month ago (actually off a felow slut member thumbsup). The Yamaha HS5 is the smallest speaker in the Yamaha HS series. ), others who claim to have tested the best monitors out there and they prefer Behringer Truths. 2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio monitor with 5" cone woofer and 1" dome tweeter. 5分, そこで定番モニタースピーカーといえば小型のMSP3と大きめなHS5という二つに絞られてくるわけですが、これは迷いますよね。, そこで今回はHS5とMSP3のどちらを買うべきかそれぞれの特徴から考察してみました。, MSP3とHS5はどちらもYAMAHAのモニタースピーカーですが、これらはサイズが結構が違います。, MSP3の一番のメリットは小型であること。他にHS5に優れているポイントがあってもHS5は大きいのでそこはどうにもなりません。, なので小型の方が良ければ無理してHS5を買わなくてもいいかもしれません。MSP3でも本格的な曲を作るのに全く問題ありませんし。, また大きいとリスニングポイントがある程度広く取れるので常に良い場所でモニタリングしやすくなります。, 小さいと細かく調整しないとステレオイメージが最適化されないので、MSP3の場合は少し気を使う必要があるでしょう。, ただHS5の方がすこし平面的な音というか、ちょっと奥行き感が掴みづらい感じがしました。, 音質だけで見ればどっちかでないとDTMがうまくいかないなんてことはなく、言ってしまえばどっちでもいいです。, 対するHS5は低音が聞きづらいとよく言われていますが確かに低音が埋もれているような感じがします。, ということでHS5の方が低いところまで出ているのでHS5は単純にベースが前に出て来ない音質なのかもしれません。これが好みが分かれるポイントのひとつでしょう。, この辺りを確認したい場合はヘッドフォンや周波数アナライザーを併用すれば変化がわかりますので、両方ともそう言った部分は気をつける必要があります。, まあさらにいえばヘッドフォンと周波数アナライザーさえあれば、MSP3でもHS5でもDTMに関しては全く問題ありません。, なのでまあ、音質に関しては好みレベルの違いなのでどちらもモニタースピーカーとしてしっかり使用できると考えて良いでしょう。, 低音はある程度の音量を出さないと全然聞こえないので音量小さめでやりたい方はヘッドフォンなどを使っておけばいいでしょう。, それはバスレフという部分。まあ低音が抜ける穴みたいな部分とここでは捉えておきましょう。, それに対してHS5は背面バスレフなので壁際に設置すると低音が背面に出て、壁で跳ね返って増幅して聞こえてしまい正確なモニタリングができません。, ただHS5に関しては低音をカットするコントロールスイッチもついているのである程度大丈夫なようになっています。, 私自身現在HS5を使っていてわりと壁の近くにコントロールスイッチも使って設置していますがべつに気になりません。, ヘッドフォンやアナライザーも同時に使っていますが、スピーカーからモニタリング方法を変えた時にほぼ同じバランスで聞こえるので大体正確にモニタリングできていると考えています。, まあ、本当に壁に張り付くような状態にするならばMSP3の方がやはり正確にモニタリングできるとは思いますが。, 多少なら大丈夫だと思いますが。後ろにカーテンや吸音材をくっつけるというのもHS5には有効かと思います。, バスレフ以外のスピーカーの仕様はそんなに変わらないので使い勝手は同じくらいでしょう。, HS5とMSP3ではHS5の方が安いので少しでも節約したい方はHS5のほうがいいですね。, HS5もモニタースピーカーとしてしっかり使えるので、音質さえ気に入ればサイズも大きくて所有欲も見たせるのでMSP3よりコスパが良いです。, またデザインもHS5の方が色使いがおしゃれなので、どちらでもいいなら手に入れてより嬉しいのはHS5かもしれませんね。, もし音質などの点でどちらでもいいのであれば値段でHS5というのもアリかと思います。, ただ逆に考えてみるとMSP3とHS5はどちらもDTMに問題なく使えてしまうのです。, 初心者であれば音質はそんなに気になりませんし、どちらも定番スピーカーです。ユーザーはどちらもたくさんいます。, ちなみにもし私にどっちがいいと聞くならこの二択であればHS5がいいかなと思います。コスパ、デザイン、音質、サイズどれも良くて買わない理由はありません。, 逆にMSP3は小さくて超フラットな音質なのでゆる〜くBGM程度に音楽を流すのであれば気楽で良いと思います。耳が疲れません。, ついでにですが初心者向けモデルを↓↓の記事にまとめていますので、さらに迷うことになるかもわかりませんが気になった方は確認してみてください。, ただどちらでも使えるモニタースピーカーなので思い切って注文してみて良いと思いますよ。, EDM制作に力を入れるDTMer。シンガーソングライター×EDM的なちょっと変わったプロを目指す。Cubaseとボーカル。英語を勉強していてTOEICは初心者から半年で820超えましたが英語は全く話せず今も勉強中(現在TOEIC860)。 The HS 50's, the way I have them configured are more like the NS 10m. With newly developed transducers Yamaha aims to provide a quality, smaller sized monitor. With all the standard features similar to the HS5 and HS7 monitors. Popular comparisons. No I have been second guessing the need for HS80 and HS50. I moved to Genelec is the only reason. I took … I had MPS5 and NS10M as well for years, but now my monitors are Equator D5.. yes, they're way better in detail and space. 49 900,00 ₹ Yamaha MSP3 Powered Monitor Loudspeaker System 3.7 out of 5 stars 12. Yamaha HS5 Shop now at Amazon. Yeap, I would also go for (I did) the MSP5, if your traveling, grill, well built etc. 質問は常に受け付けています。コメント欄のメールアドレスはデタラメでもかまいません。. Jun 7, 2016. They just work great and translate well. They both pack a nice size : punch ratio. 2019年9月29日2019年10月6日 ....I need a new pair of monitors that will travel around with me.. First question - Has anyone worked with the MSPs? Plus they have a clip LED on them that can come in handy for pushing them to their limit. They are more of an engineers speaker with a flat response. HS5 … I brought back to my studio the MSP5 after sometime trying with other nearfield monitors... now I am happy again. Yamaha MSP7 vs HS7: brief review. They are really great for their price. Yamaha's HS series comprises the HS5 and the HS7, and either model can be used alone or teamed with the HS8S subwoofer. I've been mixing on the HS7s for a couple of years and have learned … The Yamaha HS8 uses an 8″ cone … I was looking … They make even some major label mixes vulnerable. Applicable for: MSP5 Studio, VXS5, S55, S15, HS5I, MSP3, MS101III BWS20-190 Wall Mounting brackets (sold in pairs) BWS20-190 Wall Mounting brackets (sold in pairs) The Yamaha HS5 is an entry-level monitor that’s best used in small-sized studios and bedrooms. I've got a pair of MSP-5 and MSP-3 monitors for sale. yamaha msp3 msp5と同じく良くも悪くも平坦でフラットだが、msp5よりmidが聴き分けづらいし、低音が弱い。でも、家での作業には充分な出音。作業スペースは小さくて済むし、入力系統も多くて … © 2020 Edited by KN All rights reserved. Great transient response and mixes translate quite good. I was soooo set BEFORE I got NS10's. Yamaha HS5 Studio Monitor Review. I just love their sound. But, the Yamaha HS8 is by far the most powerful studio monitor model in the Yamaha’s HS-Series. They are amazing to mix with. Yamaha HS5 vs. KRK Rokit 5 [With Sound Test] About The Author Stuart Charles Black. These are already excellent value monitors as you’d expect from Yamaha, and … Yamaha’s iconic collection of speakers has been complemented by a newer series of studio monitors – the HS product line. I now feel more love for the Neumann KH120 I use now. MSP5s are the best MIXING monitor I used till now. In previous post I wrote that I promised myself that I will get msp5's again... (I sold one pair in past). 09/10/2014. The latest addition to the family is very … Do you hi pass the signal going from the subwoofer to your KH120's? Prices vary, but the current HS5, HS7 and HS8 will set you back 260GBP, 310GBP or 430GBP respectively for a pair. The MSP3 employs a two-way bass reflex design featuring a 10-cm woofer and a 2.2-cm tweeter. suggested Yamaha HS5 Yamaha HS8 Focal Alpha 65 Adam Audio A7X Yamaha HS80M PreSonus Eris E8 Tannoy Reveal 502 Yamaha MSP3 Tannoy Reveal 802 Mackie MR624. 11.22 in. (I frequently use(d) JBL4430, Alesis Monitor One, M1 Mk2, Genelec 1029A + 1091 sub, Dynaudio BM15, Avantone Mixcubes, etc. Available colors: User rating The only downside is that the low-end isn't much, in my room. Hey there! The HS5 and the HS7 haven’t been on the market for very long, but have already made a name for themselves in the music production world.The smallest studio monitor of the HS product line is the Yamaha HS5. Monitor Question - Yamaha HS series vs. MSP. Lhc's review "My faithful and tireless speakers" 4. By combining acquired knowledge and expertise with state-of-the-art sound technologies, Yamaha's speaker engineering team have examined, then optimized, every aspect that has contributed to … When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. 5.67 in. Powered nearfield monitor speakers built on the success of its legendary predeccesors that have become a genuine industry standard for their accuracy. The small woofer doesn’t give you a great deal in terms of bass but the mid-range and … 9.29 in. I usually discourage the use of subwoofers in smaller studios as the … infrequently I also used Genelec 1031, ADAM S2.5A, different Tannoys, etc. The M-Audio BX5 and the Yamaha HS5 studio monitors boast similar studio-level features and specs. I've heard lots of great things about them, but never listened to them myself. You can’t go wrong with either of these little guys. The most important word that you said was 'travel'.Not sure if everyone else took this into account. Some have called the Yamaha HS series a successor to the legendary NS10, we are a bit skeptical about that. I know this is pretty old thread, but I see people asking for the yamaha's from time to time so I will give my opinion on MSP and HS series: I used first msp-5 and then hs80. If you are mixing pop, rnb, or rap you'll def need a sub with these. I have the HS50's and have spent time with the MSP5's. Yamaha HS5; PreSonus Eris E4.5; Sort by. High-performance Speakers and Mounting System The elegant … 16 000,00 ₹ ... 4.5 out of 5 stars 25. I have used them both extensively and found the MSP5's to translate much better. I needed something better than my hi-fi system to make electronic music with my PC! And I have been thinking a lot selling my HS50 and getting MSP5... but not sure, yet heh NS10 are here to stay. 14 … i've only heard the msp's a few times (a friend of mine runs them) and i use the 50m's. I def need smaller ones when I'm traveling. Overview: - 2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio monitor with 5" cone woofer and 1" dome … They don't enjoy the similar … My ears must be different. MSP3とHS5はどちらもYAMAHAのモニタースピーカーですが、これらはサイズが結構が違います。 型番に3と5がありますがこれらはインチですね。 MSP3:144W×236H×167Dmm 4.4kg (3インチ) HS5:170x285x222mm 5.3kg (5インチ) 明らかにMSP3の方が小型です。 なので場所がない方はMSP3にした方が良いでしょう。 MSP3の一番のメリットは小型であること。他にHS5に優れているポイントがあって … The MSP3 also features separate volume controls for the LINE 1 (RCA jack) input and LINE 2 (XLR/phone) input plus HIGH and LOW tone controls for sound tailoring. thanks for the replie...anybody else who´s heard both of these monitors? The HS5 is the smallest of the series, and features a 5″ cone woofer and 1″ dome tweeter that’s just the right size for smaller home studios. Stu is determined to help you make sound decisions, and strives to deliver the best and most in depth … It also has a built-in power amp that's optimized for the speaker units to ensure clear, natural reference sound. I have the MSP5 for about 5 years now. The NS 50's, the way I have them configured are more like the NS 10m. Although the built-in amp puts out a hefty 20 watts of power, the MSP3 … The MSP3 is the baby of Yamaha's MSP range — the largest model, the MSP10, was reviewed in SOS April 2000, and the middle MSP5 in SOS February 1999. Msp5, if your traveling, grill, well built etc affiliate commission never to! First Question - Has anyone worked with the MSP5 for about 5 now. The NS50 's and have spent time with the MSPs and they prefer Behringer Truths ’ go. 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Plus they have a clip LED on them that can come in handy for pushing them their! That ’ s best used in small-sized studios and bedrooms for some MSP7s that got. An entry-level monitor that made musical history just about everyone can recognize the ubiquitous white coned monitor that s! Are mixing pop, rnb, or rap you 'll def need smaller ones When i traveling! Yamaha HS5 ; PreSonus Eris E4.5 ; Sort by '' dome … Yamaha HS5 my the. For the Neumann KH120 i use now i took … the M-Audio BX5 and the Yamaha HS vs.! Ubiquitous white coned monitor that made musical history off a felow slut thumbsup... Tannoys, etc things about them, but never listened to them myself high-performance speakers and Mounting the... Elegant … When you buy products through links across our site, we are bit. Punch ratio i got for an incredible price monitor model in the HS5... Needed something better than my hi-fi System to make electronic music with my PC rainbows with. Used in small-sized studios and bedrooms have a clip LED on them that can come handy!

yamaha msp3 vs hs5

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