Mon-Weds: 11 am to 6 pm Play-motivated aggressive behaviors are common in young, active cats less than two years of age, and in cats that live in one-cat households who don’t have enough mental and physical stimulation. Keeping him engaged with enrichment, battery operated toys, and feeding puzzles while you’re gone can help him feel less frustration when you come home and cant play with him right away. Play is normal behavior that provides young animals with opportunities to develop their physical coordination and problem-solving skills. I live with my girlfriend Barbara and two cats. One is a Maine Coon, named Maze and the other is a regular house cat, named Gigetta. A cat who’s seeking playtime will likely be more alert, with whiskers forward, ears and tail twitching. Neither cat knows why. I have always *rough-housed* with my cats when playing. Use a Carrier: Bring the new cat out into the home in a cat carrier. Also pay attention to your cat while giving him attention. Do not use toys that teach your cat to play with your hands, such as gloves with balls hanging from the fingers. It's something that benefits cats, starting in kittenhood and extending all the way through the geriatric years. coming in: (734) 661-3528, 3100 Cherry Hill Rd • Ann Arbor, MI 48105 • VIRTUAL TOUR • Fax: (734) 929-0814 • Phone: (734) 662-5585, 3100 Cherry Hill Rd • Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Many cats retain this kitten-like behavior well into adulthood. It’s important that your cat has a space in your house that is all theirs. This is all part of their introduction. Even a gentle cat may go a bit too far once and a while. It's something that benefits cats, starting in kittenhood and extending all the way through the geriatric years. I also don’t care about cat scratches. Dogs use exaggerated postures like the play bow to tell other dogs everything after this is a game, and not a serious threat. As most everyone knows, cats are hunters and that instinct kicks in at a very young age as kittens play by stalking, chasing and pouncing each other. Additionally, since rough play may be an indicator of a behavioral issue, it is important to address it if your cat begins exhibiting violent play behavior. During playtime, don’t encourage him to bat at your hands or feet. Feline aggression is threatening behavior towards another cat, human or other animals. Try to get him to focus on chasing the toys instead of attacking you. I’ve fostered hundreds of kittens and cats over the years, and have had many kittens (and cats) who played too rough and would play bite before. In general, cats seem to enjoy batting at small toys, like balls and fake mice. Once they catch their prey—whether real or fake—they might even kick, bite or scratch. Then the cats attack each other. Do not try to pet your cat when he’s in play mode. Is this normal? As cat lovers, we’ve all been scratched at least once. When she got too rough I told her, "No, too rough," and put her in another room for several minutes. Never run from your cat or try to block his movements with your feet. With the help of some knowledgeable cat behaviorists, I’ve been able to teach them all to stop. I made plans about how to introduce the cats to each other and explained it to my mother, but as soon as we came home my mother dragged my cat almost with violence into the living room in one quick second. Stay calm and redirect the behavior. It is good that your cat does not just sit back and take it, and attempts to fight back a little. Play is normal behavior that provides young animals with opportunities to develop their physical coordination and problem-solving skills. Consider adopting another cat as a playmate. Try an internet search for “DIY cat enrichment” and you’ll find tons of free or very inexpensive ideas that you can try with things you may already have in your home. When I get tired of playing, I quit. He doesn’t bite but he chases and rolls my female cats and is really annoying one of his big brothers. Essentially, when kittens get too rough with each other, they learn about the art of fighting restraint. Kittens and cats need to play. A cat may think a noisy dog means business when he just wants to play. If you see his body language change into play mode, it’s time to grab a toy, direct him to the floor and engage in a good play session. Play between two cats is a little harder to gauge because one cat may be in the mood to play and the other is not feeling it. A tired cat is a happy cat! Try breaking out a wand toy or stuffed kicker toy to distract him. Cats stalk, chase, pounce, swat, kick, scratch and bite each other—all in good fun. Natural play behavior can vary slightly from one cat to another, but in general, play mimics the hunt. If theyre playing, its reciprocal. If you live with more than one cat, hopefully, they have a good relationship and spend time playing together. So, if your two cats are not on the same page it is likely a good idea to distract the one that is in the playful mood or separate the two cats as to not let things escalate. Provide a variety of toys for your cat so that you can determine his preferences. Maternal Aggression Its common for kittens and young cats to engage in rough, active play because all feline play consists of mock aggression. The play mimics how cats will later pounce on, grab, and bite prey. If a kitten bites a sibling too hard, that kitten will yowl and swat or bite back, then refuse to play with the other kitten for a period of time. But when cats are removed from this environment too young or don’t have an adult cat to keep them in line, they might never learn how to play gently. The best defensive move when our cat is too rough is to act like we are hurt; quietly. For the MOST part, it’s easy to tell, because dogs have their own abundantly clear body language, and cats, while it’s much more subtle, have their own body language communicating their feelings. Neither cat knows why. Cats like to stalk, ambush and chase. My two older cats hate my kitten's aggressive play, and for the most part he's learned to leave them alone. My gut feeling is that he is irrationally afraid of other cats. Anyone else go through this? Mon-Fri: 9 am to 7 pm This will also build a good feeling about being in the presence of the other cat. Do not yell at your cat or squirt him with water as these things can also lead to a negative relationship with your little one. Kittens and cats need to play. If there’s another cat in the home, it also gives them a chance to hone their social skills with members of their own species. If your cat likes to play roughly with other cats, make sure it’s consensual on both sides. Although rough play and miscommunication may happen as kittens play with each other, this is an important time of learning. Anytime a cat displays this type of behavior it should be addressed immediately. Play between two cats is a little harder to gauge because one cat may be in the mood to play and the other is not feeling it. Don't let your kitten play with your hands or feet (or any other … Your pet must learn that hard biting that and scratching that causes pain or breaks the skin must never be tolerated. I don’t mind the rough play. How do I know if this is just playing or being too rough. The kittens are just a little over a pound (and when the kittens play together, they are biting each other, too. When cats play, they incorporate a variety of behaviors into their play, such as exploratory, investigative, and predatory behaviors. Pay attention to your cat when he seeks attention. Insufficient Socialization Even if kitten play sometimes can get a little "too rough" in the eyes of spectators, the interaction still is very crucial for nurturing the growth of well-rounded and socially adjusted cats. Keep in mind, your cat's actions are normal, natural, and instinctual for all felines. What can I do? So, if your two cats are not on the same page it is likely a good idea to distract the one that is in the playful mood or separate the two cats as to not let things escalate. Offer as many scheduled, routine play sessions with your cat throughout the day as possible. Give your cat its own territory. The way a cat plays as she ages may change but the desire to play should hopefully remain throughout a cat's life. Cat “B” redirects its attention to cat “A” and puffs up and hisses. Insufficient Socialization Even if kitten play sometimes can get a little "too rough" in the eyes of spectators, the interaction still is very crucial for nurturing the growth of well-rounded and socially adjusted cats. It allows them to engage in species specific behaviors like hunting and stalking. They change roles frequently. It is good that your cat does not just sit back and take it, and attempts to fight back a little. Essentially, when kittens get too rough with each other, they learn about the art of fighting restraint. We’ve become the “prey.” And if you scurry away, you probably look like you’re playing along. Feline aggression is threatening behavior towards another cat, human or other animals. When part of a litter, if a kitten is too rough, mom and the litter mates will let him know with a nip, scratch or hiss. Suspicious smells: when a cat goes to the vet or has a bath, its body odor may change. When your cat becomes too rough during play you need to let them know that … Each acts as if the other started the fight. They change roles frequently. If your cat is prone to aggressive play, it’s important to understand that punishments won’t work. For example, the cat who likes to chase might enjoy a wiggly ball. I wanted to bring my cat a friend to play with, so I adopted a second cat from the cat shelter. While one comes to understand the kitten or cat wasn't really trying to hurt, it still does hurt. If you can provide a more complex environment for your cat, full of opportunities to hunt insects and chase leaves, your cat will be less motivated to play roughly with you. If your cat is prone to biting or scratching you during play, make sure you aren’t encouraging it. Billy is playing, but I’m afraid, too rough. Supervise: Allow the other cat out into the house for short periods of time while you supervise. Understanding Play. If they’re playing, it’s reciprocal. Cats enjoy playing. Pod-cat aggression occurs when one cat has been out of the house, whether to the veterinarian, groomer, or other destination, and when he returns home, the other cat(s) act aggressively toward him. How can I stop my cats from being aggressive towards each other? Make sure that his environment is set up to keep him active during the hours that you’re away from home. Heat: when a female cat in heat is close by, male cats can turn aggressive towards each other. Anytime a cat displays this type of behavior it should be addressed immediately. That´s why I … They also like to stalk, chase and pounce on things that move like prey, such as toys with feathers attached to flexible rods that you can dangle and move about. You know the other cats aren't threatening but he doesn't. Cats stalk, chase, sneak, pounce, swat, kick, scratch, ambush, attack and bite each other—all in good fun. She squeals like crazy too (she's a princess) but instead of running and hiding, she eggs him on even more! Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Giving your kitten a toy he can wrestle with, kick at and bite, such as a stuffed  sock, is a great idea. If you live with more than one cat, hopefully, they have a good relationship and spend time playing together. That's natural, particularly for kittens and territorial males. There will also be a rapid recovery to normal after play fighting and no obvious tension between the pair at other times. I had the same problem. While it may be fun when you have a tiny kitten, it becomes painful and dangerous as your kitten grows up. Call (734) 662-4365 for appointment; They're both neutered at young age, and don't display any sexual behavior, so I don't think this is the cause. If there’s another cat in the home, it also gives them a chance to hone their social skills with members of their own species. Cats that play too rough can easily harm themselves, their feline friends or even their human companions. Then the cats attack each other. When littermates are playing, they teach each other how to use their teeth gently, reigning in their bite. If your cat likes to grab your feet as you go up and down the stairs or hide under things and ambush your ankles or legs as you walk by, carry toys with you and toss them ahead of you to redirect his attention. Playtime is an important part of cat life. These actions can cause your cat to intensify his play. Playtime is key to keeping these kitty’s behavior in check. Unfortunately, Cat “A” happens to be in the way and sees cat “B” aggressively charging toward it. My DS (now 2) was very rough with my cats when he was younger, I just kept using the naughty step and making him apologise to the cat when he hurt one. This behavior can range from cats who hiss and avoid the target of their hostility to cats who full on attack their target. Dogs use exaggerated postures like the play bow to tell other dogs everything after this is a game, and not a serious threat. Your cat could be traumatized by some incident, or just be very skittish about other cats (maybe he has a depression / anxiety issue that causes him to be that way). Yelling at your cat or breaking out the spray bottle could actually make their behavior worse. Making sure that you’re meeting your kitten’s needs for activity and enrichment will be the best solution for managing his rough play. They're very friendly with each other, sleep together and the male grooms the female often. Even pulling away from an aggressive kitty can trigger their hunting instincts. … Do not physically punish your cat for rough play. Cat play is silent. Thurs-Friday: 11 am to 7 pm Examining the Nature of the Fight Look for reciprocity. Intake Department prior to My theory is that, while cats rely primarily on vision to identify other cats, smell also plays a big role. My *kids* have never given me any issues by continuing to *attack* me when I decide I am done playing. 9 am to 5 pm, 7 days a week Over time, they learn not to be too rough. Each acts as if the other started the fight. It is after all, their language. I made plans about how to introduce the cats to each other and explained it to my mother, but as soon as we came home my mother dragged my cat almost with violence into the living room in one quick second. This can cause our pets to play too roughly with each other or attack us when we least expect it. It might take a little trial and error at first but once you get to know what your cat loves, it’s easy to get them to engage in play. Schedule play sessions to coincide with times when your cat seems most active and playful. The kitten will sometimes squeak but then come right back for more abuse. With the help of some knowledgeable cat behaviorists, I’ve been able to teach them all to stop. Despite the playful intentions of a cat, he can cause injury to his human playmates. Allow the other pets to sniff, interact, and even hiss. You might even try catnip or silver vine to encourage the use of toys. Interactive play and a variety of toys around are important to help keep cats from playing rough with human bodies. A cat seeking some pets and love will be loose, with a relaxed body and face. please, no walk-ins. Build an outdoor enclosure for your cat, complete with branches, boxes, shelves and perches for him to navigate. Cat play is silent. I've had two cats since they were kittens, and there has always been a problem with the male cat being too rough with his female friend. Playing and having fun with my *kids* is more important. You can set roughhousing limits during human playtime, but may have a hard time curbing it with other cats. It may take a little time, but with patience, you can keep cats and humans safe and happy. When your cat becomes too rough during play you need to let them know that … A cat’s hunting style is key. Stop the play from time to time and offer each cat some valuable cat treats. Try getting your cat a wand toy; cats love to engage in play with their people, and this is a great way to show them what appropriate play looks like. When you give your cat lots of opportunity for meaningful, enriching play, their minds and bodies get the activity they need and our scratched up hands and feet get a much-needed break. Fear Can Cause Cat Aggression. I love to help other cat owners and to share my experience with them. Social play is directed toward fellow cats, people or other animals. My two older cats hate my kitten's aggressive play, and for the most part he's learned to leave them alone. Your pet must learn that hard biting that and scratching that causes pain or breaks the skin must never be tolerated. This type of aggression is usually seen in kittens and young cats. Or a prince of pounce might love a magic carpet. Sat-Sun: 11 am to 5 pm. This behavior can range from cats who hiss and avoid the target of their hostility to cats who full on attack their target. For adult cats, it is "pretending" to hunt or fight. ... Hey I am Pierre! If you do, choose a cat with a similar energy level and play style as your cat. Frequently give your cat new objects to investigate, such as paper bags or cardboard boxes. But not crying out). If either cat is exhibiting body language associated with fear or aggression—such as an arched back, hissing, raised fur, or lowered ears—it’s a good idea to separate the cats until the playful one has a chance to release some of his energy. Saying Ow, cupping the wounded part in our hand, and withdrawing from the field of play lets our kitten or cat know they have gone too far. But what might be just fine for another cat, could leave a nasty mark on a human. If the older cat doesn’t wish to play, perhaps you can provide soft stroking for the older cat while dangling an interesting toy for the younger cat. But some cats can’t bear to show that they can be intimidated, and will feel forced to match what they see as aggression. Then we have the clueless party pushing it to the point where the cat feels threatened; and the cat defends themselves. Animal behaviorists tout play aggression as one of the most common cat behavior issues. She was lonely so I got a kitten but she was playing too rough with him. Their ears are typically forward in play, their claws may be out but they dont cause damage, and their bodies lean forward not back. That’s usually what has happened when us humans get a nip or a scratch. Cats, by their very nature, are vicious hunters. Do you have a cat that you would like to be the next Instagram star? If you hit or slap your cat, he may perceive your actions as play and become even rougher. It’s normal, but it can be too much for your resident pets to handle. It’s very common for kittens and young cats to engage in rough, active play because feline play can consist of mock aggression. If either cat is exhibiting body language associated with fear or aggression—such as an arched back, hissing, raised fur, or lowered ears—it’s a good idea to separate the cats until the … Be ready to separate and move the new cat back to its room if the situation gets too stressful. Puppies play by jumping, biting, and tackling relentlessly. Cat “A” puffs up and hisses. Cat “A” puffs up and hisses. Through stalking, chasing, swatting, biting and pouncing on their siblings, kittens develop their precise hunting skills. I wanted to bring my cat a friend to play with, so I adopted a second cat from the cat shelter. The other cat, not detecting the same smell, may attack it because it think it is a stranger. We are so proud to have been featured by Social Network Elite and want you to know we LOVE working with them. Sat-Sun: 9 am to 4 pm If you get in the habit of really engaging your cat in energetic play and then offering him a meal, his needs as a predatory animal can be met and he may meet you with less frustration when you’re headed to bed, or when you’d like to relax on the couch. Never use your hands as toys. Instead, direct the play away from you by using a long dangly toy or throwing you cat’s favorite toys. He's 11 months old. Play Aggression. The way a cat plays as she ages may change but the desire to play should hopefully remain throughout a cat's life. He's 11 months old. They direct solitary play toward objects, like toys, skeins of yarn, paper bags, boxes and rolled-up paper. Give kitty adequate playthings to keep him entertained. Respond to his needs with lots of interaction with toys, only petting him when he’s calm. (Surgery drop-off 8 am) Play fighting can, on occasions, escalate and any hissing or screeching could indicate that one is getting a little too rough for comfort. In most cases, it's not too difficult to teach your kitten or young adult cat that rough play isn't acceptable.If play escalates too quickly, follow these tips to keep playtime interesting and reduce the number of trips to the first-aid kit. I hiss at mine, like another cat would – and at close quarters if need be. If your cat likes to play roughly with other cats, make sure it’s consensual on both sides. Without adequate outlets to express themselves naturally, cats seek out others to engage in their need to play, hunt, and be physically active. Your cats, chickens, or older dogs probably long for the days when they could go about their lives without being accosted by a puppy-sized tornado. Sure, I felt foolish the first couple of times I did it, but boy, did the cat take notice! I get really nervous because my older cat who is 8lbs tackles and bites my kittens neck and head, she is only 3lbs. Unfortunately, problems can sometimes arise when feline play is directed toward people. Cats also use the elevator-butt pose prior to launching a play … When cats play, they incorporate a variety of behaviors into their play, such as exploratory, investigative, and predatory behaviors. Hello! Do not encourage your cat to play with your hands, feet or any other body part. Please see our article. This article on Instagram Cat Hashtags will show you how to skyrocket your way to fame. Most cats will nap all day long and then meet their person with a deep need to play and interact once they’re home. Understanding his body language will help direct how you interact with him, avoiding offering lots of pets if he’s actually approaching looking for play. Will it get better as the kittens get bigger? Cats display two different types of play behavior: solitary play and social play. Playtime is an important part of cat life. My first cat was the runt of her litter and grew up with a litter 2 weeks older so she had to learn to play rough to keep from getting beat up. So we might need to teach them how to play with us by redirecting their behavior. I’ve fostered hundreds of kittens and cats over the years, and have had many kittens (and cats) who played too rough and would play bite before. If you do, your cat will be encouraged to direct his play at your hands and won’t understand that it’s only okay to attack your hands when you’re wearing the toy gloves. Feline play aggression is a common complaint among cat lovers, but it doesn’t have to be. But why do some cats play so rough when others never scratch or bite? These behaviors are formed when they are very young by instinct, observation and playing with their littermates. She squeals like crazy too (she's a princess) but instead of running and hiding, she eggs him on even more! 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