They state that “that the number of transistors that could fit on a single computer chip had doubled every year for six years from the beginnings of integrated circuits in 1959. And these qualities are only present in human beings and n robot can achieve it. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Nowadays Computers can communicate and calculate data quicker than the average human. No matter how efficient and effective these robots are, they can never make use of emotions and intuitiveness in decision making processes. Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence shown by Machines that mimic human intelligence. AI is a kind of “deep learning” that permit machines to process data for themselves on a very experienced level, allowing them to execute complex tasks like facial identification. The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence. and must be cited properly. Hence increasing the risk of faulty or inappropriate decisions that may be challenging from ethical and moral perspectives. Teachers have to maintain a certain pace to cover the … With Artificial Intelligence, the future seems intriguing and exciting. AI Will Help in Identifying Gaps in Learning. IFM is just one of countless AI innovators in a field that’s hotter than ever and getting more so all the time. The future of AI in healthcare is a step towards democratizing healthcare for the benefit of patients and healthcare professionals alike, … This clearly shows how the developers and researchers have gain control and knowledge over the aspects of robotics that will help in its further advancements. Man invented computers to ease his tasks. Artificial Intelligence : The Science And The Future Utilization Of The Ai 1349 Words | 6 Pages. The changes that artificial intelligence will bring to the technology landscape could pale in comparison to what it wreaks on global society. However, research in artificial intelligent is advancing quickly. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. Furthermore, the robots are still machines that can make critical and dangerous errors as well on the basis of malfunctioning, wrong analysis and various other internal and external factors (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). Having some criticism and possible threats in the future, it is believed that artificial intelligence has the tendency to overtake the role of human being and human labor in future that can be dangerous for the survival and sustainability of the human race. Computers can only make decisions on the basis of logic and calculations that can be immoral and unethical as well. Robot ethics: Mapping the issues for a mechanized world . Various researches have evaluated and analyzed the artificial intelligence in various ways to determine their capacity, capability, reliability and future processes. And soon it will surpass the imagination of average human beings. Artificial Intelligence Based Improvised Explosive Devices Essay, Major Innovations And Developments Of Autonomic Machines Essay, Why human AI collaboration dominates the future of work Essay, Artificial Intelligence: Applications, Advatrages And Disanvantages Essay, Artificial Intelligence And The Legal Profession Essay, Aritificial Intelligence In Medicine Essay, AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs Essay. Our smartphones, computers and yes, even the so-called supercomputers will be inferior to what AI can bring about changes in the way we do things and compute. Home Free Essays How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect The Job Industry In The Future. we can write an original essay just for you. What is AI? Artificial Intelligence may be defined as the ability of computer systems to perform tasks efficiently using cognitive abilities very similar to humans. Available from:, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Both military and commercial robots will in the future incorporate ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) that could make them capable of undertaking tasks and missions on their own. Many companies and organizations are … Copyright 2003-2019 | Academic Master is a trading name of HighEnd Technologies LTD. Every essay on this website is copyrighted by Academic Master. The better the ads, the more they earn in revenue. The technology of AI has been improving every year for the past 20 years, and today it is a very mature technology. The AI learns more and more moves as it plays and can adapt very efficiently if it needs to change its strategy. This phenomenon is known as ‘singularity’ and is often defined as “a future time when societal, scientific, and economic change is so fast we cannot even imagine what will happen from our present perspective” (Bell, 2003). In the future, artificial intelligence will their own mind or will we be the master of these robots. In time, it will also change the way companies are run, with humans collaborating with AI brains to solve complex problems. There were believed to be the most precise unarmed missile launching aircrafts, however, their precision is now being specifically argued and questioned (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. Critics call the future of world as the mechanized world (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010) since it is expected that most of the processes and procedures will become automated and technological. Humans need not be taken over by intelligent machines, as some doomsday soothsayers predict, to face a brave new world in which they must revolutionize the way they conduct their daily existence. Home — Essay Samples — Information Science — Artificial Intelligence — Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Impact on Our Life This essay has been submitted by a student. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. I've been looking at the topic of artificial intelligence in some of my recent lessons. Scientists and AI experts know that the … Nearly 86% of the mistakes can be prevented in the healthcare industry and AI will play a vital role in this. We can custom edit this essay into an original, 100% plagiarism free essay. How does it affect us and to what extent we have used it till today? The researches and focus on the Artificial Intelligence and its adjoining areas has increased over the period of time; and it is expected that proper and efficient development of artificial intelligence can change the way human beings work and process … gives a brief depiction of the Artificial Intelligence in the diverse fields and the future utilization of the AI which achieves the level of human knowledge in the propelled fields of the day by day attempt and how it suffocates us into its innovation are discussed in the paper. And once robots become mobile they will be increasingly capable of extending the reach of humans or replacing them” (Markoff, 2013). Because the use of AI will have its consequences. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Otherwise the rate of negative impact by these robotics will be similar to the rate of its development (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). It means taking the idea of how human brain works and implementing that in Machine with algorithms and neural networks. Get access to the list of our best samples for free. As part of its longstanding involvement with the arts, BMW i has brought together a group of collaborators to explore the relationship between humans and machines – and understand what “artificial intelligence” means for us. Why is Machine learning a hot topic these days in the tech world? These drastic changes that humanity is experiencing right now is nothing but the mere beginning of the demonstration of potentials that AI possesses. Attention! (2010). Looking into Artificial Intelligence future, it’s easy to expect a world in which AI is going to play even more significant role changing the day to day lives of humans. Here’s another: Tesla founder and tech titan Elon Musk recently donated $10 million to fund ongoing research at the non-profit research company OpenAI — a mere drop in the proverbial bucket if his $1 billion co-pledge in 2015 is any indication. … It is, of course, a long way till we can have that technology where AI can learn self-consciousness. Moore predicted that the trend would continue, and it has—although the doubling rate was later adjusted to an 18-month cycle” (Bell, 2003). Relying too much on them can be dangerous and can make robots out of control as well (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). Deep learning is another catchphrase related to Machine learning. Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2020]. It has been successfully implemented in areas like Driverless technology, Image Recognition, Voice Recognition, etc. AI would completely change the way we view our World. In the military context, this gives rise to a debate as to whether such robots should be allowed to execute such missions, especially if there is a possibility that any human life could be at stake. Though artificial intelligence is perceived as a potential threat that will eradicate the human race, it can provide many benefits for humans now and in the future. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. These phrases and descriptions of singularity summarizes the most strengthened feature of artificial intelligence. The identification and prediction of such issues, before time is highly important and essential. Advertisements are the real money-maker for these big companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. They are in simple explanation all part of AI. For example, driverless cars, driverless flying cars, and drones, etc. These issues have to be dealt with great care and focus. The machine is provided with raw data of information and made to learn a particular thing about the information. Researchers are very much focused on enhancing the mechanisms through which the use of artificial intelligence can be enhanced as they believe that “The growing power of computer vision is a crucial first step for the next generation of computing, robotic and artificial intelligence systems. But that is exactly what researchers all over the world are trying to make and develop. An institution …, Your email address will not be published. We’ve got you covered. Man plans to colonize Mars, and so far, we haven’t done yet. And that’s only one way we could use AI, imagine the other possibilities of its potential use. Experts believe AI would certainly become a part and parcel of human life soon. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Neural networks are neurons like in the human brain. The development of a country depends on the quality of education youth is getting. This approach is derived from the hope of a better future that is associated with AI. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, “Artificial Intelligence and the future.”, Artificial Intelligence and the future [Internet]. Once machines can identify objects and understand their environments, they can be freed to move around in the world. Having trouble finding the perfect essay? For instance, recently the robotic warfare aircraft technology was introduced named as drones (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). Every blessing is a curse in disguise but is it for AI and Machines learning. Exploring the ‘Singularity’. To sum it up, Artificial Intelligence looks all set to be the future of the World. Critically analyzing the evaluating the rapid development of artificial intelligence and its possible impacts on the future of human beings, it can be clearly observed that the hovering threats and risks are outweighing the benefits that can be harnessed from artificial intelligent. Artificial Intelligence is an emerging phenomenon of Information Technology where the robots and computer aided supports are being made so efficient and intelligent that they may be able to replicate the way human beings indulge in decision making processes. The world is not yet to see the true outcome of AI. And this control will be so precise and rapid that no human being will able to compete with it. You can get 100% plagiarism FREE essay in 30sec, Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. Replacing humans with such robots can be disastrous. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Every day we use technology and we somehow take it for granted. We are yet to see the full potential of AI in our generation, but the future generation will have AI technology. We are already in the world where technology affects every part of our lives. AI is so broad that it will not leave any stone unturned. The advocates of this technology try to justify the replacement of human being with the robots on the basis of efficiency and calculative precision it can achieve and practically establish the phenomenon of singularity. We divided them into categories of various types of papers and disciplines for your convenience. In the previous couple of years, a great deal of progressions has been made and, wh… Bell, James John. The advocates respond to this argument by explaining the theory of Moore’s Law (Bell, 2003). AI in Education. 2018 Apr 23 [cited 2020 Dec 3]. Intelligent here means, things which could be done at a faster pace and thinking than a human mind. Everything we now see may one day be obsolete, our present technology could be obsolete. While some see this as a positive development others worry about the negative consequences. {“@context”: “”, Here's how I think this topic could appear in the writing test: Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future. This expectation and rapid development in this field is increasing the risk that soon the robots will replace the human labor. Even though the robotic technology of such an extent has been developed that can have have an IQ level of certain extent with the capability of making decisions on the basis of its extensive knowledge base. AI is growing and is increasingly used in many social networking websites. In other words, due to high precision and rapidness, artificial intelligence will take the control of major departments and organizations away from human beings. This clearly explains the technical aspect of how the efficiency of these systems is enhancing exponentially over the period of time. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. But it will not likely be that for AI. Artificial intelligence may attempt to copy our own intelligence. Academic Master is a writing company that provides free essays to the students all over the World. Here’s a good indicator: Of the 9,100 patents received by IBM inventors in 2018, 1,600 (or nearly 18 percent) were AI-related. AI is nothing but futuristic. (2013). So, it is a challenge for the human race and as far as human history is concerned, man will always find its way and somehow do the impossible. Regulating climate change. To come to a conclusion on how Artificial Intelligence will affect job industry in both complex jobs like law and simple jobs like truckers as it has already started to do. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been an interesting idea of science fiction for decades, but several researchers think that they are finally getting nearer to making AI a possibility. The way research and development are progressing would eventually lead to the technology we haven’t had yet and the ones we fantasize about. Scientist’s has successfully even made an AI that plays Chess and has even defeated some of the worlds’ best chess players. India has also significantly progressed in the digital way. Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence. It is a part of Machine learning which uses neural networks. Want us to write one just for you? And there is every possibility that these negative impacts will outweigh the positive or beneficial impacts of the artificial intelligence (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). The future is unknown and we will see soon. Home — Essay Samples — Information Science — Artificial Intelligence — The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Future Technology This essay has been submitted by a student. However, these critics are very much concerned about the issues of this mechanized world as well (Lin, Abney & Bekey, 2010). Artificial Intelligence seems to be the current buzzword around the world with the domination of the artificial intelligence being felt all around us. Moreover, to the extent that they exist, they can be controlled. Abstract and Figures Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the nature of almost everything which is connected to human life e.g. The risks of artificial intelligence are exaggerated. The current products are just the beginning of the future trend. This essay has been submitted by a student., Marshall McLuhan was a technology scholar who studied the transformations of technology, communications, and media who gave rise to the media ecology. Instagram and Pinterest have been using AI to recognize images based on people and places. Artificial Intelligence Future in Healthcare. Oral Health in Young Australian Aboriginal Children. Every second research is going on about AI and Machine learning. He referred media as technologies and technologies as media. However, some still doubt this much rapidness and precision of artificially intelligent systems and argue for the approach through which this precision can be achieved. Several observers have highlighted this threat in their research papers. One of the most important applications of AI in big companies is advertisement’s recommendation based on the user’s interest. During AIIP IV in Braga, the decision was taken to mark the end of the CREATe grant with an open essay competition on the underlying theme of the workshop series: “How will Artificial Intelligence change the practice of Intellectual Property law”. All this to what end? In her previous articles Helen has looked at: what artificial intelligence is, the current trends and future developments, what’s enabling and hindering artificial intelligence, how artificial intelligence will impact on our jobs, the influence of artificial intelligence on future skills, how artificial intelligence will benefit the world of work and OSH. The first approach believes that AI is going to be as beneficial and progressive technologyfor the human race. Artificial Intelligence and the future. Others define this phenomenon as ““the singular time when technological development will be at its fastest” (Bell, 2003). India was once known as a cattle land, where agriculture was most predominant with time and higher revolution in science and technology enabled tools, w…, Lin, Patrick; Abney, Keith & Bekey, George. As we see it, computers have become more and more advanced and that being said, with AI in mind we will need faster and complex computers. The news and articles about revolutionary steps and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence have become a common aspect in today’s life. The text prediction in your keyboard when you type something is an example of AI. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Artificial Intelligence Some scientists believe that in the future computers will be more intelligent than human beings. Some researchers have shown how the ability of automated systems and robots to take over major processes can eventually lead to destruction of human need for processing. It’s been a conversation around the dinner table for years, but so far, no … Your email address will not be published. When we investigate the present reality and every one of the progressions that are being made in science, innovation, and other related zones, we can unmistakably observe that humankind has a brilliant future in front of them. They find suitable ads according to your interest. Artificial Intelligence is an emerging phenomenon of Information Technology where the robots and computer aided supports are being made so efficient and intelligent that they may be able to replicate the way human beings indulge in decision making processes. When artificial intelligence teams up with the Internet of Things, trend prediction can be done quickly, making businesses more efficient, sustainable, and effective. For example, making them learn a, b, c by giving paragraphs of words. 1. Should Solar Energy be Used in New Builds? AI has progressed miraculously in the last few decades and has brought change in almost all the significant domains of life. In an article by Sun Microsystems, it was claimed that “We could be the last generation of humans.” Joy warned that “knowledge alone will enable mass destruction” and termed this phenomenon “knowledge enabled mass destruction.” (Bell, 2003). The researches and focus on the Artificial Intelligence and its adjoining areas has increased over the period of time; and it is expected that proper and efficient development of artificial intelligence can change the way human beings work and process in future. Maybe AI will help in achieving this feat. The advocates of Artificial intelligence believe that soon automated systems will take exclusive control of the organizational, economic, and social and other decision making procedures that are often prone to human negligence and errors. (2003). With the help of deep learning techniques and machine learning, Google, Bing and other search engine sites have implemented and experimented using the internet to increase their revenue in ads. One day, this AI will control or at least be so indispensable that we can’t do anything without it. this essay is not unique. The growth and revolution in computer knowledge developed by leaps and bounds, creating inroads into explored areas, reduced time taken to perform tasks and much more. The advocates of this technology believe that artificial intelligence has the capability of reducing the workload off the human beings by shifting it on to the automated and robotic supports, thus enhancing its efficiency, effectiveness, precision and reliability. However, the future is not all as pleasant as it appears to be. According to some researchers, this rapidness and precision will enhance so much, in near future that it will become difficult to distinguish between the processing and accomplishment time of the procedure. 2020 © Artificial Intelligence and Our Future Essay. Innovation headways are being utilized to enable individuals to work more gainfully, to enhance the lives of people, to make certain assignments quicker and progressively advantageous, and even to spare lives. If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. You may see the term Machine Learning, Deep learning and Neural Network apart from AI. These aspects are not recognized by the computers or roots since these are human attributes and can only be understood with the presence of cognitive and judgmental capabilities on the basis of reasoning, intuitiveness and emotions. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. They all have those functionalities that would not have work without the use of AI. The morale and productivity of any institution are determined by the institution’s ability to provide a secure operating environment. A professor in Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States has created an AI teaching Assistant to cut the load on his other TA’s. Most large companies employ Artificial Intelligence tool for […] So, basically, we are using AI everyday.AI means Artificial Intelligence. Algorithms are a complete step by step instructions, like a recipe for a cooking dish that leads to the answer of a problem. Pssst… This can be very destructive for the overall society as with the unemployment, social frustration may increase and may trigger the global chaos. Though they aren’t successfully employed yet in the present, they could be a means of transport in the future. It is about making machines learn things by themselves. It could affect us in ways we don’t know. One of the key features of Artificial intelligence is the way it can enhance the productivity, efficiency and precision of the work being performed. We will occasionally send you account related emails. Almost one-fourth of electricity need has been fulfilled by solar panels throughout the country in 2017; National Grid ensured further application of solar …, Network security is a significant factor considered when determining the effectiveness of a communication infrastructure or a computer network. Network Proposal Vulnerability Assessment, Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UNITED KINGDOM. This apparently horrifying discovery can be a warning for the advocates of transferring exclusive control to the artificial intelligence. Machine learning is a part of AI. The authorities and researchers working on the development of artificial intelligence must keep these threats and risk under consideration so that necessary precautionary and control measures can be taken. GradesFixer. The technology was finally available and seemed to stimulate intelligent behavior. Home — Essay Samples — Information Science — Artificial Intelligence — Artificial Intelligence and the future. There will probably be many jobs lost in law due to advancement in AI over the next 50 years though this does not mean the job economy will necessarily be ruined. Some people think that the advancement in AI will put a risk to human vulnerability. With each discovery and invention, the future is coming a step closer. Required fields are marked *. However, this can never be as efficient and precise as a human being can be. This clearly shows that since robots cannot think and evaluate the conditions and situations critically, they are not able to make accurate judgments and decision making as the human beings can. To elaborate this definition, Artificial Intelligence will use the algorithms once created to produce different results based on the amount and accuracy of data fed. Most promising Artificial Innovations the world can witness in coming Future: Getting more advanced with Self Driving Cars: Self-driving cars have already begun to make their way on the roadways in many parts of the world, still … Not have work without the use of AI in big companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc without. Do you know that many of the demonstration of potentials that AI possesses imagination of human... 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